
Archive for January, 2012|Monthly archive page

January 16, 2012.

In Uncategorized on January 16, 2012 at 12:24 pm


I am a little under the weather and will not be in today. Please be nice to the substitute and do one of three things:

1. Prepare for tomorrow’s quiz.

2. Continue work on your IA project

3. Begin review for your exam.

Yes, exam. This is what you need to prepare for:

MP3 players: how it works; download speeds, embedded systems,

Peer to peer networks; use of servers and networks

Government websites

Amateur journalism and blogging

Chapters 12 and 13

In Uncategorized on January 10, 2012 at 2:57 pm


here’s the deal: there will be students involved with Psych projects over the next couple of periods, so I need you to be working on a list of things:

1. Reading Chapters 12 and 13 in preparation for a Key Terms quiz.

2. Completing Criterion A of the project by Friday.

3. If you are creating a website for your project, here is a link that will take you to basic introductory tutorials for Dreamweaver. I suggest trying these, then we can address individual concerns next week.

4. Lastly, here is a document regarding the complexity of your project.

5. For folks looking, here is the ITGS 2012 Guide with all your IA needs!